
[Sutras for Sharing][To clean and let

your crimes be baptized immediately]

貼文日期(Writing Time): 2015-07-09




*Although Me,GingYuang was used to have an aggressive

tongue and the hobbies of abuse; And it's above the crimes

of mine that do have been all baptized by myself; Thus I

will be able to continue condemning the evil men; Although

I will against the religious disciplines from my mouth,but I

do just only anginst the disciplines from my mouth not my

heart which was never be changed and without any move

-ment; Those Kung-fues were When I wasn't a movement ,

I did be going to learn it by myself in these two years.


*以下各唸三次 可立即消業障及祈福

Underline which U had seen that speake 3 turns,

and it can delet all of Ur crimes,and it also be able

to pray for the blessings.



Which will purify all crimes from Ur Mouth.

修利修利 摩訶修利 修修利 薩婆訶

'ThioLi 'ThioLi Muo'Her'ThioLiy 'Show'ShowLi SuoPuo'Her



Which will purify all crimes from Ur Mind.

甕(ㄨㄥˋ) 哇茲辣但訶賀閧(ㄏㄨㄥˋ)

Oom WaThu'LaDan'HerHerHome



Which will purify all of the dirty air from Ur body.

甕(ㄨㄥˋ) 修多利 修多利 修摩利 修摩利 薩婆訶

Oom 'ThioDuoLi 'ThioDouLi 'ThioMuoLi 'ThioMuoLi SuoPo'Her


(4)[安土地真言](到了新的環境 安土地神用 例如:入住飯店)

Which will purify all of the new place from Ur body.

南摩三滿多 莫陀南 甕(ㄨㄥˋ) 度魯度魯 地尾薩婆訶

NanMuo'SanMaamDuo MuoTuoNan Oom DuluDulu DiWay'SuoPoo'Her


(5)[普供養真言](燒香拜佛前 呼請佛菩薩來享香 所唸之咒)

Which will be sacrificed all of the new place from Ur body.

甕(ㄨㄥˋ) 椰椰曩(ㄋㄤˇ) 三婆挖 襪日辣 閧(ㄏㄨㄥˋ)

Oom 'Ye'YeNanm 'SanPuo'Wa 'WaZu'La Homm


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